How mediation and collaboration can help divorcing couples
As far as movie stereotypes go for divorce, the common trope is that both spouses are angry and upset to the point of farce. They can’t agree on anything, and they vent their frustrations in court, embarrassing themselves and their family. Of course, this isn’t typical of many divorces all across the country, but there are cases where the splitting spouses simply can’t find common ground on certain issues, or there is too much emotional strife involved in the marriage to foster good-faith negotiations.
In these cases, there are some alternative approaches to divorce that can help the spouses settle their differences. One approach is collaborative divorce, which in Pennsylvania means that both spouses retain their attorneys and so about solving the issues pertinent to their divorce – but it doesn’t play out in a courtroom. Instead, you get to come up with the solutions for yourselves, which frees you from the constraints of a judge’s ruling, which may not work for you, or your spouse, or both.
Another option is mediation. In mediation, both spouses agree to have a third party help them settle their disputes. Like collaborative divorce, this option allows the parties to address their concerns on their own terms, minimizing costs and possible legal delays.
With either option, the attorneys at Engle Kauffman, P.C. have the experience necessary to help you and your soon-to-be-former spouse resolve your marital problems. If you are in need of an attorney, or if you have questions about collaborative divorce or mediation, consider consulting with us.