State College Pennsylvania Law Category: firm news

What kind of penalties do I face if I get a DUI in PA? April 28, 2017 | drunk driving, firm news

Getting a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction in Pennsylvania can come with serious penalties. It is important to note that the penalties that come with these kinds of charges are generally governed by state law. As such, the penalties that follow are specific to Pennsylvania. These penalties can include: License suspension. A driver can lose his or her driver’s license for up to 12 months for a… READ MORE

Do more accidents occur during finals week? April 07, 2017 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

Researchers in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University are studying ways to make driving safer using new technologies. Dr. Thomas Ferris, an assistant professor, says “Humans are not very good at problem-solving when the vehicle does something they aren’t expecting, especially when under high stress, high workloads or while multi-tasking.” With finals week approaching, you might want to consider how it… READ MORE

What effect does social media have on divorce? January 10, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

Since the explosion of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, researchers are intensely interested in how these engaging tools affect the user in real life. One way that social media may directly affect the happiness of an individual is in his or her marriage. One study that specifically looked at Facebook interaction found that divorce rates rose anywhere from 2.18 percent to 4.32 percent in those… READ MORE