State College Pennsylvania Law Category: motor vehicle accidents

Whiplash after a car accident January 13, 2020 | motor vehicle accidents

When Pennsylvania residents get into a car accident, they may think they do not have an injury. However, over the next few days, people might realize that their neck hurts. It is a good idea for people to recognize the symptoms of whiplash so they can get treatment as soon as possible. People might easily incur whiplash during a collision. According to the Mayo Clinic, whiplash happens when… READ MORE

Vehicle safety technology limitations December 11, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Like most people in Pennsylvania, you have likely seen advertisements promoting any number of safety features on new cars, trucks and sport utility vehicles. These features include things like automatic emergency braking, lane-keeping assistance or object detection alerts. You might even have purchased or leased a new car in the past few years that has some of these features on it. While safety advances are important… READ MORE

How can drowsy driving lead to crashes? November 20, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Residents in Pennsylvania may have noticed that there is a potentially dangerous and even deadly trend going on these days among drivers hitting the road. This is the trend of driving while drowsy, which is avoidable but widespread despite that. Drowsy driving is something many drivers do and even openly admit to doing. However, despite how flippantly it is sometimes treated, it can have just as… READ MORE

What state law says about malfunctioning red lights October 15, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Stopping at a red light that will not change to green can be a frustrating and puzzling experience. If you decide the light is broken and proceed anyway, do you run the risk of colliding with another vehicle? Pennsylvania law explains what drivers in this situation are allowed to do. Though some caution is involved, it is possible to proceed through an intersection if a signal… READ MORE

How do car seats protect children? August 05, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

You are aware that the law in Pennsylvania requires children under a certain age to be in a car seat when riding in a vehicle. This is so standard that you would probably never imagine driving around without putting your child in a safety seat. However, do you know why the law requires these seats and how they protect your child? Understanding this can help you… READ MORE