State College Pennsylvania Law Archive: englelegal

PA colleges rank among the highest for drugs and alcohol October 31, 2019 | firm news

In spite of the legal drinking age and the laws around controlled substances, college students continue to experiment with alcohol in drugs. While this happens in every state and virtually all colleges, Pennsylvania does rank among the highest for drug and alcohol crimes and the resulting arrests.  USA Today points out that fraternity hazing has a role to play in this. It has led to binge drinking, alcohol poisoning,… READ MORE

What state law says about malfunctioning red lights October 15, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Stopping at a red light that will not change to green can be a frustrating and puzzling experience. If you decide the light is broken and proceed anyway, do you run the risk of colliding with another vehicle? Pennsylvania law explains what drivers in this situation are allowed to do. Though some caution is involved, it is possible to proceed through an intersection if a signal… READ MORE

The hidden dangers of a cat bite October 03, 2019 | personal injury

In Pennsylvania, plenty of people keep cats as pets. Moreover, the public generally considers dogs to be the “bigger” bite risk – or at least the more dangerous one. However, victims of cat bite attacks may actually face higher medical bills due to a unique risk that may accompany a cat’s bite. Healthline discusses the possibility of serious infection, which is a major risk with cat bites. While… READ MORE

Get the facts about Pennsylvania DUI penalties September 13, 2019 | drunk driving

Whether you are a student, an alum or an ardent local fan, Penn State football season is an exciting time of year. Before you let the festivities carry you away, however, make sure you are aware of the penalties for drinking and driving in Pennsylvania. State DUI fines and consequences depend on your tested blood alcohol content at the time of the arrest. The more significant your… READ MORE

Why burn injuries are so serious September 04, 2019 | personal injury

Burn injuries are notorious for their painfulness. You are probably familiar with the terminology describing burns: first degree, second degree, third degree and fourth degree. Even a first-degree burn may cause discomfort that seems out of proportion to its severity, but serious burns can be physically and emotionally devastating. Johns Hopkins Medicine explains that burn injuries are dangerous because the skin’s role as an organ is so critical… READ MORE