State College Pennsylvania Law Archive: englelegal

Why are TBIs so prevalent in auto accidents? January 24, 2020 | motor vehicle accidents

When you become the victim of an auto accident, your head and neck become two of the most vulnerable parts of your body. Despite the advances in seat belt and airbag technology, a car crash can cause your head to violently jerk forward and backward. When this happens, your brain moves likewise inside your skull. This could cause you to sustain a traumatic brain injury. The… READ MORE

Whiplash after a car accident January 13, 2020 | motor vehicle accidents

When Pennsylvania residents get into a car accident, they may think they do not have an injury. However, over the next few days, people might realize that their neck hurts. It is a good idea for people to recognize the symptoms of whiplash so they can get treatment as soon as possible. People might easily incur whiplash during a collision. According to the Mayo Clinic, whiplash happens when… READ MORE

How drug convictions endanger financial aid eligibility December 31, 2019 | drug offenses

Higher education is unquestionably expensive, and many college students and families across Pennsylvania rely on federal financial aid to help them pay for a college education. At Engle, Kauffman & VanHorn, P.C., we recognize that drug convictions have the potential to make financial aid recipients ineligible to receive federal assistance any longer. We have helped many college students facing drug charges defend themselves and fight to maintain… READ MORE

How Pennsylvania divides property in a divorce December 24, 2019 | family law mediation

When facing a divorce, you are likely worried about how you and your spouse will divide marital assets and debts. This concern is of high importance for individuals who own significant property, such as real estate holdings and investment accounts. Prepare to file for divorce in Pennsylvania by understanding how the state handles property division. Separate vs. marital property Pennsylvania is an equitable division state, which means that… READ MORE

Driving during the winter poses additional risks December 20, 2019 | firm news

Winters in Pennsylvania can be treacherous, and they present dangers for those driving on the road. Everyone should review how to drive in ice and snow, but it is especially important for younger drivers or those who are new to the state.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, almost 20% of all motor vehicle accidents occur during winter conditions. High levels of snow and ice buildup require drivers… READ MORE