State College Pennsylvania Law Category: firm news

Ending an unfulfilling marriage September 20, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

Divorce is often portrayed as a terrible thing that every couple should try to avoid. However, it is unrealistic to think that every marriage will work out. Some people get married to soon. Others live long happy lives together, but learn over time that they aren’t right for each other. And some couples just grow apart or change significantly, to the point that staying together is… READ MORE

Effective defense strategies when facing a DUI September 14, 2017 | drunk driving, firm news

An unyielding myth about drunk driving offenses is that the person who is accused of the crime will be found guilty. This is an obvious myth because everyone has the right to due process and a fair trial, in addition to the presumed innocence of an accused person. However, it is a pervasive sentiment that many people share, whether it be due to convenient preconceived notions… READ MORE

Road is cleared for self-driving cars to become more common sight September 11, 2017 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

The U.S. House of Representatives made a unanimous decision recently, a rarity in these politically divisive times. Last week, the House passed a new measure that will allow auto manufacturers to release 25,000 self-driving cars per year out on U.S. roads even if they don’t meet safety standards that other vehicles must pass before being deployed. The measure is meant to accelerate the rise of self-driving… READ MORE

Car may have been distracted prior to causing 4-vehicle wreck September 01, 2017 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

A terrible car accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike left three people hospitalized and the police searching for answers about the crash. The accident occurred near a work zone, where a van and a tanker truck were stopped. A red car was pulling up to the area and failed to stop. As a result, the driver of the red car tried to swerve out of the way,… READ MORE

Child custody: get legal help when the topic arises August 25, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

Many people think of child custody as a blanket legal issue that is applied in one fell swoop. But in reality, there are plenty of intricate situations when applying child custody — and child custody also comes in many different forms. Child custody has two forms, and then those forms are applied in two different ways. Physical custody is one of the forms, and it relates to… READ MORE