State College Pennsylvania Law Category: motor vehicle accidents

Distracted driving is about more than texting September 20, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

Every driver in Pennsylvania should know that using a phone to write, read or send text messages is dangerous — and a primary offense in this state. Massive nationwide campaigns have been launched in recent years to highlight and educate motorists of the dangers of driving while distracted by texting. However, as dangerous as texting behind the wheel is, it is not the only form of distraction that… READ MORE

Can I file a lawsuit after a car accident? July 25, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

After a car accident, victims often experience a range of emotions. They can be angry that someone else crashed into them and now they must get their car fixed and possibly miss work. They might be scared about injuries and whether they will recover. They can also be confused as to whether they have any legal options. In this post, we will help readers address the… READ MORE

Keeping teen drivers safe during ‘100 Deadliest Days’ May 30, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

Summer is nearly in full swing, and for teenagers this typically means weeks of fun and relaxation. However, summer is also a potentially dangerous time, particularly for teenage drivers. In fact, the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are known as the 100 Deadliest Days for teen drivers. With this in mind, parents should discuss with their teenage drivers some important ways to stay safe on… READ MORE

The perils and anger that follow a car accident May 03, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

You’re driving down the road and as you approach a stop sign, the vehicle behind you crashes into your back bumper. The accident is their fault, but in the heat of the moment, you don’t think about that. The anxiety and stress of the crash leads to you making a bad decision — you get angry and upset, and you flee the scene of the accident…. READ MORE

Beer truck crashes, driver suffers minor injuries April 05, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

More than a month ago, we wrote a post about four trucks being involved in an accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. There’s no information about injuries to the people involved in the crash, and little else to go on in the story. Today, we want to continue the theme of truck accidents on this blog by discussing another wreck — but one that centers on the… READ MORE