State College Pennsylvania Law Category: motor vehicle accidents

How does a seatbelt protect you? July 31, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Everyone in Pennsylvania has heard the phrase, “buckle up,” countless times. But have you ever wondered exactly how seatbelts work to reduce the severity of injuries in car accidents? It still stands that more people can be educated on the matter, as according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, one in 10 people still did not wear their seatbelts when driving or riding in a motor vehicle… READ MORE

Tips for safe driving on long road trips July 24, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

With longer days, warmer weather and several longer holiday weekends, summer is a popular time to embark on extended road trips. Whether you choose to visit family across Pennsylvania or go on a cross-country adventure, road trips are a great way to enjoy some time away from your daily routine. However, summer also brings more drivers out on the roads, increasing the chances of accidents. To… READ MORE

What increases the chances of a speeding ticket? July 16, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Speeding is the most common crime. Almost every driver is guilty of doing it at one point or another with many drivers being habitually guilty. The reason it is so prevalent is not that it is a harmless crime. In fact, speeding is the leading cause of accidents. It can kill. However, it is merely impossible for law enforcement to be able to stop every single… READ MORE

Can a car crash blind you? July 11, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Unfortunately, if you become the victim of a Pennsylvania car crash, it could render you partially or totally blind, especially if you suffer a head injury during the crash. reports that over 1.4 million Americans receive treatment for traumatic brain injuries each year. While blindness due to a car crash sometimes occurs because of injury to the eye itself, you stand a much greater chance of losing… READ MORE

Jury awards $21.6 million for injury settlement June 06, 2019 | motor vehicle accidents

Crashes involving a semi-truck are usually severe and often fatal. A Georgia Jury recently awarded the driver of a car and his wife with $21.6 million in damages for the loss of his leg in a crash with a semi-truck. The trial in Whitfield County Superior Court took place over four days, but the jury needed only two hours to determine damages and fault. The victim hit the… READ MORE