State College Pennsylvania Law Archive: englelegal

Distracted driving is about more than texting September 20, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

Every driver in Pennsylvania should know that using a phone to write, read or send text messages is dangerous — and a primary offense in this state. Massive nationwide campaigns have been launched in recent years to highlight and educate motorists of the dangers of driving while distracted by texting. However, as dangerous as texting behind the wheel is, it is not the only form of distraction that… READ MORE

Are drug-sniffing dogs reliable? September 06, 2018 | drug offenses, firm news

Dogs are incredible animals. They can be excellent protectors and loving companions. However, they are not perfect, especially when it comes to drug-sniffing dogs. Drug-sniffing dogs are often used by police during traffic stops and other situations where police have reason to suspect there are drugs on a person or in a certain location. But just because police frequently utilize drug-sniffing dogs does not mean they… READ MORE

Impaired driving enforcement efforts ramp up across Pennsylvania August 22, 2018 | drunk driving, firm news

The end of summer is just around the corner. Labor Day is coming up, students are heading back to school and people are already making plans to attend football games and Homecoming parades. All these events are linked to the fall season, but they can also be linked to drunk driving arrests and accidents. During the coming weeks, drivers should be especially wary about driving while… READ MORE

Even in amicable divorces, informal orders may not be wise August 09, 2018 | family law mediation, firm news

Couples who divorce amicably and through mediation often find it easier to navigate the legal process. They can get through difficult negotiations a little faster and be more satisfied with the results. They can also shield their children from a painful, lengthy litigation process. However, it is important to understand that while mediation is a less formal means of divorcing, it still results in legally sound solutions…. READ MORE

Can I file a lawsuit after a car accident? July 25, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

After a car accident, victims often experience a range of emotions. They can be angry that someone else crashed into them and now they must get their car fixed and possibly miss work. They might be scared about injuries and whether they will recover. They can also be confused as to whether they have any legal options. In this post, we will help readers address the… READ MORE