State College Pennsylvania Law Category: family law mediation

Child custody: get legal help when the topic arises August 25, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

Many people think of child custody as a blanket legal issue that is applied in one fell swoop. But in reality, there are plenty of intricate situations when applying child custody — and child custody also comes in many different forms. Child custody has two forms, and then those forms are applied in two different ways. Physical custody is one of the forms, and it relates to… READ MORE

Continuing the prenuptial agreement discussion, Pt. 2 July 20, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

In the last month, we have focused on prenuptial agreements and how they can impact a divorce. We want to finish that discussion today with a look at the provisions that can lead to a legal challenge against a prenuptial agreement leading to the contract being invalidated. This is a very important topic because many people may be under the impression that a prenuptial agreement can… READ MORE

Continuing the prenuptial agreement discussion July 10, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

A couple of weeks ago, we wrote a post about prenuptial agreements and the term “premarital planning.” In that post, we dispelled some of the myths about prenuptial agreements and how the preconceptions some people have about these contracts can actually prevent a couple from securing a vital legal component of their marriage. Today, we want to continue that conversation by looking at some of the things… READ MORE

On prenups and premarital planning June 30, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

The phrase “prenuptial agreement” brings up immediate negative connotations in the minds of many people out there. The prenup definitely has a reputation, but sometimes reputations aren’t fully deserved. In the case of the prenup, while it was branded as an “anti-love” contract that portended divorce more than it protected marriage, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead of calling it a prenup, think of the… READ MORE

How mediation and collaboration can help divorcing couples May 26, 2017 | family law mediation, firm news

As far as movie stereotypes go for divorce, the common trope is that both spouses are angry and upset to the point of farce. They can’t agree on anything, and they vent their frustrations in court, embarrassing themselves and their family. Of course, this isn’t typical of many divorces all across the country, but there are cases where the splitting spouses simply can’t find common ground… READ MORE