State College Pennsylvania Law Category: firm news

Traffic fatality trends in Pennsylvania March 13, 2019 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

If you are like most people in Pennsylvania, you have driven past your fair share of accident scenes on area roads and highways. When you see these things, you may well wonder how many accidents actually happen and how many have severe outcomes. It is also interesting to know how many accidents or deaths are caused essentially by the negligent choices of drivers. According to records… READ MORE

Challenges that arise after a multi-car accident February 11, 2019 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

Every motor vehicle accident has the potential to be serious and complicated. However, when there are more than a couple vehicles involved in a crash, the situation can become even more serious — and complex. In these situations, there can be several injured victims, multiple damaged vehicles and many different versions of what happened. Sorting everything out for the purposes of determining liability and pursuing compensation can be… READ MORE

Is a summary offense charge anything to worry about? January 29, 2019 | college student criminal defense, firm news

In the overall scheme of things, summary offenses in Pennsylvania might be easy to view as so much water off a duck’s back. By description, they are lesser offenses than misdemeanors. And yet, a summary offense can result in serious consequences including terms of up to 90 days in jail and fines up to $1,500. Perhaps more important, especially for young college students, is that while a summary… READ MORE

Tips to avoid collisions between cars and pedestrians January 10, 2019 | firm news

When a pedestrian gets hit by a car, he or she can receive some very serious injuries. Some areas, such as university campuses, shopping centers and parking lots, have more pedestrians than other areas, so it can be especially important in these areas to do everything you can to safely share the road. Many people are both a pedestrian and a driver on any given day,… READ MORE

How to fairly divide property during a divorce January 04, 2019 | firm news

Splitting up is not an easy process. It is even more complex when you and your soon-to-be ex were married for a long time and have considerable assets. Even though you do not want to be together, you do want to keep your divorce as amicable as possible. That includes dividing your property in a way that is fair to both of you. Here is what… READ MORE