State College Pennsylvania Law Category: firm news

What do you gain when you choose mediation over court? June 03, 2018 | firm news

If you are going through a divorce, you are no stranger to stress. The process of separating from a spouse is often socially, emotionally and financially difficult. You do not want to make this part of your life any more taxing than it already is, and going to court would certainly add to the stress that is likely already mounting. There is an alternative, however, that… READ MORE

Keeping teen drivers safe during ‘100 Deadliest Days’ May 30, 2018 | firm news, motor vehicle accidents

Summer is nearly in full swing, and for teenagers this typically means weeks of fun and relaxation. However, summer is also a potentially dangerous time, particularly for teenage drivers. In fact, the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are known as the 100 Deadliest Days for teen drivers. With this in mind, parents should discuss with their teenage drivers some important ways to stay safe on… READ MORE

Drivers should expect additional DUI patrols this weekend May 24, 2018 | drunk driving, firm news

While many may be focused on travelling to their favorite holiday destination and having a great weekend, the dangers that come with Memorial Day weekend cannot be ignored.  The American Automobile Association projects nearly 30 million Americans will take to the road this weekend. Given the anticipated use of alcohol during holiday celebrations, it is understandable that safety advocates view the upcoming weekend as one of… READ MORE

What are possible defenses to a drug possession allegation? May 16, 2018 | drug offenses, firm news

Drug-related offenses are some of the most common types of crimes in Pennsylvania. They can affect anyone, from a stay-at-home mother with an addiction to opioids to a teenager accused of selling marijuana to friends. No matter who you are or what charges you may be facing, you must remember that you have the right to defend yourself against criminal charges. In this post, we will… READ MORE

What is a concussion? May 06, 2018 | firm news, personal injury

A concussion results from a blow to the head, which can occur because of a car accident, a slip and fall injury, and many other situations. While concussions are often mild, serious complications may occur that can sometimes have lifelong effects. The Mayo Clinic explains more about concussions and what to look out for if you’ve recently experienced a head injury. Your brain is cushioned by fluid within your… READ MORE